Has your business utilized the benefits of mobile payment processing? If not, it is crucial to know that businesses that don’t make use of mobile payment processing are missing out. They find themselves at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to processing consumer payments. No retailer wants to be left behind in the fast-moving world of retail and consumer goods. Thankfully, with Royal Debit, business owners and merchants of every size can have access to the solutions needed to stay on top of the ever-advancing processing technology.
How to Get the Most Out Of Your Credit Card Machines
Payment processing technologies are constantly changing and evolving. Therefore, it is important to stay up-to-date, in order to make the most out of your credit card machines. Read more
Royal Debit & Upcoming Trends that will Rock the World of Commerce
The fast-paced world of technology and commerce is always changing. This motivates consumers to change their lifestyle to keep up with the constantly changing trends in the media and technology as well as those being suggested by top social media influencers. Just as consumer seek to stay in line with trends, retailers and payment processors also look to get ahead of the curve.
Basic Contactless Payments in Canada
80% of retailers in Canada have NFC capable terminals and 12% of all retail payments are made with contactless technology. Chip cards that offer contact-free payment are preferred in Canada whereas the USA is focussed more so on Smartphone payments.
Why You Should Choose Royal Debit for Your Contactless Payment Portal
Moving towards contactless payment is the way of the future. At Royal Debit, we help businesses all over the country make this move. Laundry services, vending machines, and drive through windows are just some of the services we can help streamline. We want to keep you ahead of the technology curve.
Infrastructure Investments and its Affect on Merchant Services
Royal Debit is the premier merchant service and payment processing service provider in Canada and we are excited to continue offering innovative, reliable and secure payment solutions to our Canadian merchants. The technology landscape is always changing, and we strive to keep you and your business ahead of the curve. Read more
The Advantages of Using Android Pay for Your Business
Since Apple Pay launched in 2014, there have been drastic changes in the way typical Canadian consumers choose to make their regular payments. These changes are in line with the increase of smartphone and smart device usage as well as the popularity of online shopping platforms and mobile wallets. In Canada, the majority of consumers use Android devices and waited eagerly for the release of Android Pay in 2016. Read more
Royal Debit & NFC Payment Processing
NFC mobile payment processing allows retailers to make use of their contact-free point of service terminal to accept payments via customer’s mobile devices. Royal Debit facilitates retailers by helping them offering a phone tap POS terminal that works with a corresponding Smartphone application installed on the consumer’s mobile device. Forget about cash, customers can even shop to their heart’s desire without the need of a credit or debit card. NFC works by connecting the POS terminal and the Smartphone via a Secure Element chip, which is authorized via the NFC. Read more
Top Benefits Of Using Royal Debit Merchant Services
“Consumers no longer are interested in withdrawing cash from the ATM just to pay for purchases.”
In the commercial world today, in order to be successful retailers have to offer a diverse range of convenient payment options to their customers while also maintaining security. In Canada, over 90% of consumers prefer to pay via credit, debit, or other electronic methods as opposed to cash transactions. In fact, Canada is ranked second on the list of cashless societies due to the preference for no cash payment options. Of the 15% of consumers that still use cash for in-store payments, most list complexity of cashless transactions as the reason for not converting. Read more
POS Terminal Upgrades for Improved Speed & Security
The economy in Canada continues to improve steadily while remaining stable according to reports as recent as April. This growth has given companies the courage they need to start improving current equipment and hiring more employees. Two-thirds of companies surveyed agreed that they thanks in part to the positive signs of growth in the Toronto market, upgrading and expanding their workforce have become top priorities. Read more